Game Rosebank i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaGame Rosebank



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169, Oxford Road, 2196, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 86 142 6087
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.1463585, Longitude: 28.0439491

kommentar 5

  • J D

    J D


    Not much to say, it's a Game Store, service is always good, staff friendly, and the parking outside though is good, makes for an easy in and out.

  • Miss Q

    Miss Q


    I would have given this 5 stars but I didn't like the fact that there were no price tags on the items and even on the shelves. The store doesn't have a price scanner for customers so this means that you have to keep asking the stuff to tell you the prices of items which is time consuming.

  • Clive Simpkins

    Clive Simpkins


    If you accept that for lower prices there's a reciprocal lowering of service levels, you won't have a heart-attack. Their appliance deliveries are outsourced, and once the sale is made, you're pretty much on your own. Walmart (majority shareholder) needs to up its service game. No pun.

  • Xolani Maseko

    Xolani Maseko


    Good customer service that's whr I bought my TV on special thanks Game stores

  • lwazi mathe

    lwazi mathe


    The store in general is not a busy store by nature but it is like any other game you can expect. Buy it lacks on stock especially in the office automation department not enough laptops and printers to choose from very limited stpck it has but it is a game store so you can always beat the price if you see ot cheaper somewhere else

nærmeste Stormagasin

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