Dros i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Gauteng, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2092, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 726 1012
internet side: www.dros.co.za
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Latitude: -26.1812, Longitude: 28.0028

kommentar 5

  • Mokgethwa Confidence

    Mokgethwa Confidence


    The waitress was a bit slow with our orders, especially the drinks, but otherwise the food was good and also good wine

  • Jacqueline C Fourie

    Jacqueline C Fourie


    Food was good but our experience was definitely soured by a very public spat with a client shouting and screaming because of poor service. It could have been handled more discretely by management so as not to spoil things for all other customers. The overall vibe is dark and a bit tired and can really do with some more energy and freshness.

  • Mandisa Ngwenya

    Mandisa Ngwenya


    We arrived close to closing time on a Sunday coming from a long trip, starving and with two children we go our meals as well as the two free kiddies meals our steaks were perfect. We were not rushed in any way and we left so happy and full.

  • Azwihangwisi Magoda

    Azwihangwisi Magoda


    Waitress was friendly, food was good, cocktails were excellent (though more virgin options would be great.), vibe was quite nice. However the tables were too close together. Other than that, great place.

  • Elna Lombaard

    Elna Lombaard


    We went early 10:00. I just ask where the Dros were and the show me towards the one corner. Found nice parking space under the tree. The staff were very friendly and the food was devine. The portions were big. The fish was moist and tasty. Well done will definitely visit them again.

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