Boukunde i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ring Road, 0001, Pretoria, Pretoria, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 420 4542
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Latitude: -25.7560036, Longitude: 28.2292284

kommentar 4

  • Adrian van der Velden

    Adrian van der Velden


    My reasoning for this rating is twofold. It’s earned four stars because it really is an excellent showcase of the architecture projects that the students do and it’s lovely and all that. Nice to go see some time, so think about making a trip one day. But what about that last star? Well, you see - architecture students are a rather insular bunch. Nobody REALLY knows an architecture student except architecture students. They don’t emerge much, they don’t talk to other people and they often just live inside the Boukunde building for days on end without ever emerging - because it isn’t necessary to emerge. It’s a self-sufficient little community in there that is a complete mystery to the rest of us. Yes, I’m sure I can walk in any time and see them scurrying about, moving in the shadows and such, but it would be nice to actually get to know one or two. Maybe one day.

  • Farshad barzegar

    Farshad barzegar


    The Department of Architecture is a flagship member of the University of Pretoria.

  • Michael Read

    Michael Read


    A lovely young energetic vibe among the architecture students. Very friendly and welcoming. Plenty of great models and works in progress to view.

  • en

    Omphemetse Bokang


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