Boksburg Animal Hospital i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaBoksburg Animal Hospital



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Paul Smit Road, 1461, Johannesburg, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 917 9978
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.200822, Longitude: 28.259168

kommentar 5

  • Irinka Schröder

    Irinka Schröder


    Not a big fan of their diagnostic and treatment ethic, but I do have exceptionally high expectations. They have very friendly staff, a clean, hygienic practice, all the pet products you need (and they'll order in if the don't). A great plus are the consulting hours, which are the best in a very wide area as well as the affordable prices.

  • Michelle Clarke

    Michelle Clarke


    For them it's not just another job. They truly have compassion for our fir babies♥️

  • Christo Pretorius

    Christo Pretorius


    Great for my pets(I have 6 cats and they have taken care of many more of my pets)

  • Sharon Castle

    Sharon Castle


    Fantastic service and the vets have a lot of empathy for you and your animal child

  • Charmaine Van Staden

    Charmaine Van Staden


    Excellent service, they saved my Tinkerbell life, best Vet ever, thank you once again, you went out of your way.

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