Zagora Grill Room and Wine Cellar i Centurion

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SydafrikaZagora Grill Room and Wine Cellar


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Wierda Road, 0157, Centurion, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 658 8000
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Latitude: -25.8320834, Longitude: 28.138247

kommentar 5

  • Suzanne Styles

    Suzanne Styles


    After a disastrous morning trying to find a new breakfast venue, what a wonderful surprise to find Zagora Hrill room at the Royal Elephant Hotel. The Front of House manager Tshego was fabulous, friendly, informative, and accommodating. They serve a continental buffet and a selection of hot breakfasts. I can highly recommend the full English breakfast. We will be back..

  • Moroesi Ramorapeli - Mooketsa

    Moroesi Ramorapeli - Mooketsa


    We had a great time here last night. We were celebrating our anniversary so we we're welcomed with a beautiful set up and a card of well wishes for our anniversary. The food was amazing, from the starters to the desserts. The stuff was friendly and very professional. The music was soft, beautiful and romantic. The atmosphere was chic and elegent. We were very pleased and will surely return.

  • Johann Marx

    Johann Marx


    What a great experiance. They have an awesome atmosphere from the gate, through reception and all the way up to the Zagora Restaurant. Even the bathrooms are gorgeous.  We really enjoyed the restaurant. The waiter was super friendly and knowledgeable. The cocktails were very tasty and well priced. I've never thought about mixing snails and phylo pastry, but wow, you really make it work. The butternut soup with apple in is also a winner. Will definately join you again.

  • Yvette Venter

    Yvette Venter


    Oh my goodness!!! This is one of the best places I've been in a long time. The most beautiful buffet with a really great variety of all sorts of delicious foods. The atmosphere is fantastic and relaxing. The waiters are all very professional and friendly. Besides the buffet looking absolutely gorgeous, the food is absolutely amazing. Coming from a foodie family I can really say this place will definitely see me again. And what's more is the bathrooms are immaculate, clean and smells lovely. Thank you for a great Sunday Zagora

  • urvesh rama

    urvesh rama


    This was a go to ace when my wife and I started dating 7 years ago. We loved coming here time and time again. Then life happened and we got too busy to return, so 5 years later we returned for my birthday and I must say....the food the service and the venue still hit home for us. We absolutely loved our supper and the service was just awesome. Keep up the great work. We will definitely be back soon.

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