Woolworths Hyde Park i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaWoolworths Hyde Park



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6th Road, 2196, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 215 3800
internet side: www.woolworths.co.za
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Latitude: -26.125881, Longitude: 28.033258

kommentar 5

  • Tony Vedda

    Tony Vedda


    A small but well stocked Woolworths Food shop. They also have a small range of clothing. Very clean and well managed. Friendly staff.

  • Lusapho Mgweba

    Lusapho Mgweba


    Top class service.

  • Helen Wilson Recruitment

    Helen Wilson Recruitment


    I had the most wonderful experience at Woolworths Hyde Park yesterday evening . I purchased six trout fillets as there was a special. When I got to the till I was charged the original price. Thinking this was a mistake, I told the cashier who immediately called the manager. He went to the fridge where I had found the packet of fish and saw that the special which was still being advertised had actually expired a while ago although they were still advertising it. He then told me that in terms of the CPA ( Consumer Protection Act) my purchase would be free. Have you ever? I hope no- one will be disciplined too harshly for what was, I am sure, a genuine erro

  • Vandna Nana

    Vandna Nana


    Well, we were disappointed as they were unable to offer us any hot chips, they had no 'cronuts', had no lemon for our tea and could not give us a biscuit with our tea. We did go into the store and buy our own. The kitchen staff were a bit noisy.

  • Marietjie van der Walt

    Marietjie van der Walt


    One of the best Woolworths’ around. Fresh food, shelves properly stocked, a restaurant to enjoy a meal or just something to drink and clothing shops: Country Toad, Trenery and Witchery. All that a woman can desire under one roof.. Getting ready for Christmas!

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