Wits Origins Centre Museum i Johannesburg

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SydafrikaWits Origins Centre Museum



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Enoch Sontonga Avenue, 2050, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA Sudáfrica
kontakter telefon: +27 11 717 4700
internet side: www.wits.ac.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.1926984, Longitude: 28.0283055

kommentar 5

  • Ate Berga

    Ate Berga


    Good coffeehouse and fantastic bookshop. Multilingual staff. Die origins centre is a must see.

  • Lucien James

    Lucien James


    A nice place to visit if you're in the area. There's some cool stuff for kids being set up, like mini indoor excavations (available on the third Saturday of every month). Includes examples of evolutionary prehistoric artefacts. This includes mostly South African stuff like rock art, pottery and beads. There are also places which present information in the form of movies. Can be real educational for any wishing to learn more about South African prehistory.

  • Delores V. Mullings

    Delores V. Mullings


    My trip to this Museum was, educational, informative and soul filling. In a nut shell it was very rewarding to visit and stand in a place that had so much Black history and artifacts representing the origin of human kind. Loved it

  • Aanch



    Very comprensive and educational. Worth your money. Interactive, creative,

  • David Zuber

    David Zuber


    Informative and interesting museum that focuses on San (Bushmen) culture and early man in southern Africa. Highly recommend!

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