The Glen Shopping Centre i Johannesburg South

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaThe Glen Shopping Centre


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Letaba Road, 2001, Johannesburg South, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 435 9252
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Latitude: -26.2683331, Longitude: 28.0484347

kommentar 5

  • Sachin Maharaj

    Sachin Maharaj


    It’s a good mall for older shoppers, it does not have a great appeal to the younger generation. There isn’t any fun activity’s or chilling places, like the bowling, table tennis bar place in the zone. There is a movie theatre and that’s it.

  • Paddy Gibb

    Paddy Gibb


    It was a good shopping centre many years ago. Sadly it's changed from a pleasant place to a concrete jungle. It was so much better when they had the open food court that was spacious and one could enjoy a meal under the sun.

  • Isabel Nieuwoudt

    Isabel Nieuwoudt


    Has been renovated recently with a great food zone. It's a big enough mall to find everything you looking for. You can find all franchises and more

  • Mandisa  Mandy

    Mandisa Mandy


    Big shopping mall with a variety of shops to choose from. The food court is beautiful big but unfortunately lacks some popular food restaurants. It's still a great place to bring the family to

  • Cathy Brondani

    Cathy Brondani


    This Mall has been through some changes recently, with a lovely food court below the movie house. I love having a meal there, particularly at the Ocean Basket. A huge thank you for the new Security/Parking Company that has recently taken over. So much friendlier and a lot more helpful than the last company that was there.

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