The Coffee Club i Mossel Bay

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaThe Coffee Club



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13, Marsh Street, 6500, Mossel Bay, South Cape DC, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 44 690 5555
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.182787, Longitude: 22.152371

kommentar 5

  • Amelia Van Der Merwe

    Amelia Van Der Merwe


    Friendly service. Very nice breakfast at good prices. Great coffee.

  • Marinus Lourens

    Marinus Lourens


    Awesome place. Please look out for waiter called 'Jonathan'. People like him make the world a better place. Excellent menu. Peanut butter- banana-honey smoothie = *Wow*. This place is a must.

  • Talita Myburg

    Talita Myburg


    Lovely little coffee shop! Great coffee and fresh cake (Best chocolate cake in town). #wesupportlocal

  • Bryan Chiang

    Bryan Chiang


    Great coffee selection and a wonderful staff. Didn't get a chance to try their breakfast but their seafood platter was wonderful and not too greasy. Their hours could vary depends on the crowd, sometimes they would close early on a weekend if it wasn't busy so don't rely on the hours information, call instead.

  • Leendert Haasbroek

    Leendert Haasbroek


    Barista makes good coffees, apart from cake and quiches, kitchen also serves English-style breakfast and light meals. Regrettably limited trading hours on weekends. Enjoyed the visit and will visit again.

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