Ted Kirkby Fire Station i Germiston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaTed Kirkby Fire Station


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Nicol Road, 2008, Germiston, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 999 2005
internet side: www.ekurhuleni.gov.za
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Latitude: -26.1794357, Longitude: 28.1320951

kommentar 5

  • Shannon Michell

    Shannon Michell


    I took my two boys to the station to have a look at the trucks... A fireman saw us come in and was absolutely amazing He thanked us for visiting, let us climb into the truck and even let each of my boys hold a hose. He said repeatedly how important it is for the community to feel part of the station and asked us to visit again. It was so wonderful to feel so welcome and have someone go out of their way. Thank you fireman Rabalao

  • Jane Germaner

    Jane Germaner


    Excellent staff, responsive to calls even in the middle of the night !! Kind & caring with little kids when they give tours of the station Keep up the good work

  • Freddie Ford

    Freddie Ford


    I have left numerous massages for the station commander half the time the phone just keeps on ringing, my brother was trapped in a burning building that they responded to, not only did it take long to get there but their own Fire engine was to low on water so did not have any pressure to put the fire out resulting in huge damage to the property, and to make things even worse the fire fighters would not enter the building to save his life instead two total strangers put their own lives in danger to get him out of the burning building wile bystanders tried to put out the fire!!! I want an explanation and will be taking this further with the media.

  • Alfred P godwa

    Alfred P godwa


    Friendly staff the city Fathers have a caring members at this station

  • Mark Souter

    Mark Souter


    Waiting over half an hour for them to travel 4km

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