Techno Gold i Kempton Park

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaTechno Gold


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CR Swart Drive, 1620, Kempton Park, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 975 1546
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Latitude: -26.1040398, Longitude: 28.2231367

kommentar 4

  • Damian Lawrence

    Damian Lawrence


    Excellent service and advice... They offer a large variety of items and expertise. I would definitely recommend them

  • Shaun vd Westhuizen

    Shaun vd Westhuizen


  • Michelle Kent

    Michelle Kent


    Excellent goldsmith, great work!

  • john haddondavies

    john haddondavies


    TECHNOGOLD - They said they could resize my wife's rings and that no one would be able to do it, if we found someone that could do it the diamonds will fall out, basically stating that they claim to be the best, NOT!!, we took my wife's rings in the middle of January 2018, after numerous phone calls to them and no answer i went back to the store last week, they said they having trouble with their phone lines, one of the store assistants promised to sms me the price regardless of the fact i already gave them the go ahead when i gave in the rings (never mind the fact that they don't contact their clients) they said the rings will be ready by the 31st January 2018, which it wasn't so obviously i was very upset and took my wife's rings back yesterday and their quote was over R5000 (not that this would've been a problem for me to pay) to resize and join 3 rings, as it was apparently a very big job, i was disgusted with the manner they handled me as a customer and the empty promises, i was also not very impressed with the way i was spoken to when the owner or jeweler phoned me back today 1st February 2018, although she was apologetic but her voice and manner in which she spoke to me was not acceptable, i however found another Manufacturing Jeweler that done the ring for me today within 1 hour 30 Mins and here's the best part, at less than a quarter of her price and by 10 fold more professional and not out to rip people off

nærmeste Guldsmed

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