TAH Kloof i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaTAH Kloof



🕗 åbningstider

86, High Level Road, 8005, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA Sudáfrica
kontakter telefon: +27 21 434 5475
internet side: www.tah.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -33.9104, Longitude: 18.40646

kommentar 5

  • Amanda Burman

    Amanda Burman


    The expertise, care and constant attention of the vets blew me away. In fact, from the receptionist to the nurses and doctors your pets are treated as your children with such love and sympathy. My very sick kitty is in the care of Dr Steven Brink and I could not have asked for better!

  • Stephanie Baird

    Stephanie Baird


    So grateful for this amazing vet! Kind and gentle and very helpful. Dr Steven has been amazing with my kitties whether it has been a routine visit or an emergency visit. Thank you!

  • Bianca Geater

    Bianca Geater


    I am absolutely blown away by the expertise, service and care received by both Dr Gemma and Dr Steven. The fact that they took the time to explain things to me made me feel like my dog was in the best hands possible. Went here on a recommendation from a friend and it is the best thing I could have ever done. Thank You!

  • en



    I have had great service at this vet for 18 years and with 5 animals. I am not impressed with the new vet Dr Brink.

  • en

    Gillian Keyser


    I just want to commend Kloof Veterinary Hospital on their excellent and professional service. My cat, Tessa, had to have dental surgery done by Dr Steve Brink. He has been an absolute gentleman and treated Tessa with gentleness and compassion. Dr Brink even contacted me after the surgery to find out how Tessa was doing. I will recommend Dr Steve Brink and the veterinary practice with absolute confidence. Thank you to Dr Steve Brink and staff for your professional and friendly service.

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