SPAR Fontana Cresta i Randburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaSPAR Fontana Cresta



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Judges Avenue, 2195, Randburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 431 1264
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.1269784, Longitude: 27.9687157

kommentar 5

  • Senzo Mzizi

    Senzo Mzizi


    It's a great store always super clean well done Fontana group

  • Aleseng Mogale

    Aleseng Mogale


    There is a lady who is always smiling and happy to assist people Beauty is her name. She works at the tills. She always willing to help with her beautiful smile. Great job Beauty

  • Iron Fist Entertainment PTY LTD

    Iron Fist Entertainment PTY LTD


    The location is dingy and dangerous. Way too many drug dealers and addicts roaming those streets. It just doesn't feel safe at all and that makes for a jaded shopping experience.

  • Hendrick Kleinhans

    Hendrick Kleinhans


    Staff are extremely helpful and friendly. That includes from the security staff to the manager. I have walked in at ALL hours of day and night and there is always a willing smile if you just take the time to greet them as people and not servants. KEEP IT UP GUYS!!!

  • Neck Ngudia

    Neck Ngudia


    Excellent customer service

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