SK Cinema Nouveau i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Corner Veale & Fehrsen St, 0181, Pretoria, Pretoria, ZA Republika Południowej Afryki
kontakter telefon: +27 12 346 3436
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Latitude: -25.7711326, Longitude: 28.2349763

kommentar 5

  • Justin Simpson

    Justin Simpson


    Really not what you want from a cinema experience.... The system never really seems to work, the popcorn is left out on stands if you come any time past 5 and as always it's overpriced. So if you're willing to spend the money you may be better of going elsewhere.

  • Tinc Chavhu

    Tinc Chavhu


    Had a good time

  • L'NoLo Says

    L'NoLo Says


    What all cinemas should be

  • Dr. Gregory F. Maassen

    Dr. Gregory F. Maassen


    We have never been disappointed with the selection of independent movies presented at this theater. A visit can be easily combined with dinner at the many restaurants in the mall less than 2 minutes walk away. One can buy tickets using machines in the lobby, with cash or by going online. The theatres are small, but rarely so busy that no seats are available. It can be cold. Bring a sweater to be on the safe side if the AC is running overtime.

  • Jamie Smith

    Jamie Smith


    The less commercial offering from Ster Kinekor, showing smaller releases and the not so blockbuster titles. Some really good movies can be seen at Nouveau. This cinema has a nice atmosphere with plenty of screens, modern ticketing and food/drink service and decor that creates a different feel to the place. My only gripe, the cinemas themselves are dated compared to Ster Kinekors main cinemas. Seats aren't as comfortable and screens not as impressive. Once they fix this problem, it would be a lot more appealing to pay the same money to watch some quality films here.

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