Shell Shopping Centre i Polokwane

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaShell Shopping Centre



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Webster Street, 0699, Polokwane, Central, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 15 291 1752
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Latitude: -23.9047086, Longitude: 29.473553

kommentar 2

  • Sekgathe Chidi

    Sekgathe Chidi


    The fueling service is just fine but the Car wash service scores 3/10. Sent a Hilux for a full wash service at 13:30and agreed with them to fetch it at 16h00. When I got there the car was washed inside and in the bonnet. The seat caps werent washed, they were plucked out and put in the bin with on of the mats because the other was missing and the rear part of the car wasnt washed (Or just spilled with plain water at least). What a dissapointment I really didnt expect such a bad service from Shell Mokone Polokwane.

  • Antonio du preez

    Antonio du preez


    hi there this is a shell garage and not a engen. will you be kind enough to change it thanks

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