Plush Boutique Car Wash i Cape Town

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SydafrikaPlush Boutique Car Wash



🕗 åbningstider

Upper Portwood road, Porside Centre, Green Point, Cape Town, 8005, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 434 5361
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Latitude: -33.909566, Longitude: 18.412442

kommentar 5

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    Gary Longshaw


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    So impressed with the job done @ Ryan’s car wash I almost had a heart attack at the price but when I came to collect my car man was I impressed didn’t even have to ask the manager to tend to anything on the car. And for the 1st time a saw a car wash cleaning my air vents normally I’d need to do a valet just to get a car wash to even consider doing that. Jhb guys need to pull a page from your book!

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    Dirk Cronjé


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    Sviatoslav Nem


    The worst car wash i have ever had. Considering the price which is 2.5 times higher (i paid 200 with polishing and not sure if it was even done) than in other places, there is absolutely no point to go there. It's dark in the basement so you can't really see at once. It was my first and last time there.

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    Henrij Twigge


    I have been going to Plush for years and had excellent service with Chris and the team. Recently it has been taken over and the last 2 washes I had were less than acceptable service and had to do the detail cleaning at home. The guy who seems to be the Supervisor wasn't bothered and the girls doing the vacuuming should be trained again.

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