Pick n Pay George (Pre-Cap Centre) i George

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaPick n Pay George (Pre-Cap Centre)



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28, Courtenay Street, 6529, George, South Cape DC, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 44 884 0511
internet side: www.picknpay.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -33.9578858, Longitude: 22.4658029

kommentar 5

  • Tessa Schlesinger

    Tessa Schlesinger


    I have bought green bananas twice, and both turned out to be rotten inside. I bought pineapples, and they were all three rotten inside. I bought buffalo chicken wings, and there was so much salt inside that they were inedible. I tried everything to get rid of the salt, but couldn't get rid of the salt. I bought several ready-to-eat foods, and they tasted like sludge. I will not be buying from this Pick 'n Pay again.

  • Angelique du Plessis

    Angelique du Plessis


    If I have to choose 1 store (even out of all the big retailers) it will be this small PnP. Always variety in everything you're looking for - from fruit & veg to pizza bases and vegan meat alternatives. Always a great experience and super happy to support them. We'll done to the family and team behind the scene.

  • Gavin Christopher

    Gavin Christopher


    Friendly staff.nice food to buy and eat.I like the nice revamp on the inside.the four disability parkings are a bonus.obviously the smart shopper card helps a lot and the cashiers are always smiling.the owners' sons always greeds me.I like the specials they have.the lay out is nice.it is also very seldom that you look for some item and it is not there on the shelf.the packer very helpfull and will even go look in in the store if the item is there which I want.nice vibe at this PnP.

  • Good News Media

    Good News Media


    Also known in George as the "small Pick and Pay" this store provides in everything that is in general needed in a household. Fresh baked bread and cooked meals are offered. Service is always good and rows of clients handled effectively. Providing parking both in front and the back of the shop ensures that parking is readily available. Payment by cash or card is acceptable and cash can be drawn at the tills. Prepaid airtime and electricity are sold as well. Be sure to get your pick and pay loyalty card which give you cash back on your purchases.

  • Fuad Choonara

    Fuad Choonara


    Convenient store which offers most items but a wider selection of items are needed as some of the basic grocery items are not in Stock.

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