Pavilion Hotel i Durban

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaPavilion Hotel


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15, KE Masinga Road, 4001, Durban, Durban Metro, ZA Sudáfrica
kontakter telefon: +27 31 337 7366
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Latitude: -29.8502868, Longitude: 31.0359173

kommentar 5

  • en

    Roy Solomons


    Great value for money and great atmosphere

  • Vusi Mahlangu

    Vusi Mahlangu


    Parking is fine but it somewhat needs a shelter. Inside our rooms, the mattress needs to be changed it looks bad. Shower structure is perfect but it definitely needs to be renovated and at least there must be a small fridge for guests. I have been here 2times in 3years but the standard has deteriorated instead of improving. There has to be floor-monitoring, people have been drunk, slamming the doors and making noise the whole evening such that it was difficult for us to sleep.

  • en

    Linda van de Vijver


    We spent three nights at the hotel. The last two nights were awful. Screaming guests, glass / bottles being smashed, banging doors etc. I had read reviews in which guests complained about rhe noise but had hoped these were isolated incidents. Clearly not. The staff were also reluctant to acknowledge there was a problem. Definitely to be avoided - which is a pity as otherwise it's a decent hotel even though a little worn around the edges.




    The housekeepers need to be trained on announcing their entry into the rooms. As an international standard knock 3 times whilst announcing Housekeeping before entry is how any room should be entered into even though a room had just been released back onto the system as sold. My husband was still getting dressed when the housekeeper, with her master key, walked straight in without announcing her entry. Just some constructive criticism.

  • Rahul Shriram

    Rahul Shriram


    No review in the hotel as I haven't been there, but I heard about the 24 hour restaurant, downloaded the menu (which looked appealing) and went through late at night. The waiter got the order completely wrong (which he was ever so apologetic for and was willing to correct). The cappuccino tasted more like a standard filter with a hint of steamed milk. That was my only experience there, could've been a bad day for the restaurant staff. Will probably try it again.

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