Outer Limits i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaOuter Limits



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Tel: 012 362 5497, 285 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0081, Südafrika
kontakter telefon: +27 12 362 5497
internet side: www.outerlimitspta.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.7606, Longitude: 28.24606

kommentar 5

  • Francois Hattingh

    Francois Hattingh


    Awesome little store with a large selection of boardgames. Very helpful staff.

  • TJ Joubert

    TJ Joubert


    Staff was incredibly useful. Brendan helped me rebuild my deck completely to help make it better. Got some boosters at reasonable prices. Definitely worth a visit.

  • IAm TheBatmanXIII

    IAm TheBatmanXIII


    Friendly helpful people and a vide verity of geek and nerd stuff. And if they don't have what you need they are willing to figure something out.

  • wayne wang

    wayne wang


    The best gaming store in Pretoria, with board games, card games, figurines, comics and many more, if you are a fan for Warhammer, Magicthegathering, Yugioh, Pokémon and boardgames, this is the place to be, there are tournaments on Fridays for Magic and weekend tournaments for various games. The shop have a website as well: geekhome.co.za, you can preorder or order from them and they courier to anywhere in SA within a few days. For those living in small towns why don’t you grab a few boardgames and enjoy it with family and friends!

  • Jacques Theron

    Jacques Theron


    Cool board game and comic book shop. Wide selection of board games available, and friendly and helpful staff. Many board game accessories (e.g. card sleeves) and fan items (e.g. figurines) available for sale. They also have a board games evening every Wednesday evening.

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