OTG Bar & Kitchen i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaOTG Bar & Kitchen



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G20, Cambridge Crossing, c/o Witkoppen Rd & Stonehaven Ave, Paulshof, Johannesburg, 2191, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 10 493 8482
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Latitude: -26.0352538, Longitude: 28.0514521

kommentar 5

  • Erryn Bayard

    Erryn Bayard


    Best chicken strips I've had in a long long time. Liverpool supporters club as well. Great music and vibe for a first time visit on a Sunday

  • Myrone Moyo

    Myrone Moyo


    Really enjoyed myself here. Wouldn't say it's the most perfect place, but truly a friendly, lovely and cost effective bar. Great service and vibe. Food is nice too. I highly recommend going there and checking it out. Plus there is Karaoke on Thursdays - Must attend.

  • Craig Paul

    Craig Paul


    Went there for lunch. We both had the steak, egg and chips special and a few Whiskeys. The food was awesome, steak cooked medium rare as requested. Whiskey’s were a bit pricey but the good food and service more than made up for that.

  • Pressy G

    Pressy G


    Awesome vibe. Great service. Great food. This is a lovely place

  • Brian Sharp

    Brian Sharp


    Great food, good choice of beers, friendly staff.

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