Nando's Gardens i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaNando's Gardens



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42 Kloof St, Ground Floor, Earlgo Building, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 426 0240
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Latitude: -33.9290997, Longitude: 18.4114534

kommentar 5

  • Suniel F

    Suniel F


    Friendly owner. Excellent food. Certain kitchen staff members need to read instructions on the slip as they dont always get the order correct even though it's on the slip. Overall I'll still give it 5 stars!

  • Teagan Reddy

    Teagan Reddy


    Absolutely the worst service I ever had. Ordered for collection and waiting 30mins once I got there. Just to find out the staff is too lazy to check on there own done ordered. If she did her job properly I would have gotten my food as soon as I arrived. Loved Nandos up until today.... never again!

  • priyall pereira

    priyall pereira


    The food was great and the staff and service excellent. As always the taste and quantity of the food served was very good... Anyone looking for for a budget option for good quality and deliciosa chicken should definitely try them

  • Adiel Hollenbach

    Adiel Hollenbach


    Fast service. Quality food and an owner that assists every person coming for a bite. Thank your for the service experience

  • Phil W

    Phil W


    Worst experience I have ever had. The call center is so unhelpful. I placed an order and made the payment, but the address was my previous apartment. I realized it immediately after placing the order, and I tried to call the shop to inform them about it. The call center told me that I can only inform the driver when he picks up the order. I found it hard to believe that they couldn’t put a note or have any communication with their driver. Then the driver didn’t pick up our call or message until he went to the wrong address. After an hour and half from placing the order, the driver called and asked for the new address. The driver arrived with bad attitude that he went to the wrong address and I need to pay him more if I want the food. I told him I don’t want the food anymore as the food is old. The paper bag was already soaked, and it broke when I picked it up from the driver. The food fell on the floor. The chicken has another bag so it was still eatable after falling to the floor, but the sides fell all over the floor. I don’t blame the driver for being rude as he was also a victim from the irresponsible call center. I find it hard to believe the call center or the shop cannot inform the driver about the alternate address before the driver picks up the food.

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