Mimosa Mall i Bloemfontein

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaMimosa Mall



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131 Kellner St & Parfitt Avenue, Brandwag, Bloemfontein, 9301, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 51 444 6914
internet side: www.mimosamall.co.za
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Latitude: -29.1093616, Longitude: 26.2018283

kommentar 5

  • Nwabisa Takata

    Nwabisa Takata


    I liked Mimosa it wasn't my first time there, though it doesn't have many shops. I would suggest that if you want something there you first check on Google if the stores you want are there. I would however recommend, waterfront mall for more stores.

  • Pranav Ramkilawan

    Pranav Ramkilawan


    Great mall, good variety of shops and some good restaurants. Has had some problems recently resulting in two major stores closing temporarily but on its way to recovery. Parking is very cheap and abundant, free up to 3hrs in the undercover area.

  • Christina van der Merwe

    Christina van der Merwe


    The mall has a great variety of shop. Just what you need and it is close to your home. Currently they are giving you 3 hours free parking

  • Armand Heymans

    Armand Heymans


    A good sized mall with all the essential shops. The checkers has been closed for some time but I am sure they will open it soon. The food court has some really interesting restaurants and diners and they all offer something unique. A good mall.

  • Martmarie Swanepoel

    Martmarie Swanepoel


    You definitely have to visit the Luggage and Leather store in Mimosa Mall. Great service and they can help you with any J-Kay, Polo, Celine, Sissy Boy and Jekkyle & Hide handbag, Traveling bags and more! Definitely worth a stop and the quality is great! They go the extra mile for their clients and you will get what you are looking for there. They have a big variety of brand and products. You can even buy products to care for your leather bags etc here. This mall will take care of all your needs.

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