Lofts i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9, Gold Street, 7405, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 511 1511
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Latitude: -33.912519, Longitude: 18.487993

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lelle Thomas


    Thanks for the outstanding service.

  • Jacques Scheepers

    Jacques Scheepers


    Bad quality .... Lofts was contracted to install a staircase in our house. They needed to come back 3 times and took almost a month to correct faults and eventually re-installed a substandard, poorly finished staircase that we paid good money for.

  • Courtney Ellis

    Courtney Ellis


    We hired and paid Lofts & Ladders (aka Lofts), in Feb 2017. They were to design, apply to council and build an en-suite loft bedroom. Instead, 10 months later, we are R127 000 poorer (30% deposit), with no Loft, no usable plans and three failed applications to Council. If you read no further, I implore you to have any contract with Lofts reviewed by a lawyer and to call Council to verify my claims below on the 3 applications they've made for us. App 1 to BDM dept: Case 70344446 App 2 to Land Use dept: Case 70353174 App 3 to Land Use dept: Case 70362905 There is such negligence, unacceptable work and blatant deception, I don't even know where to begin. Perhaps the worst is how this matter has been handled by the Directors, Richard Miller and JJ du Plessis... the same Richard and JJ who've left 5-star Google ratings for the company. Lofts' 1st application was submitted to the wrong department, with 12 missing fields and missing supporting docs. These include basic requirements such a copy of the title deed. The application was also made for a house, not a flat. Lofts employee repeatedly lied regarding Council feedback for the month of April. He commited to having the revised application submitted by 2 May. He lied about the status of this 2nd application for the month of May. The 2nd application is finally submitted. Again, incomplete with the SAME missing supporting docs and NO PLANS to approve! (see pic of council letter). Now 4 months in, I raised this with Richard Miller, the MD, who assured me I'll receive weekly updates. This never happened. 8 weeks after the Council feedback on the 2nd application, I went to Council and discovered that the application was cancelled 2 weeks prior, due to 6 weeks of inactivity. Richard denied this, we call a meeting. The day arrived and he didn't show up. He told me, and I quote: "I don't have time for you, Courtney." I have never heard from him again. Richard palmed us off to JJ du Plessis, the Project Director. We showed him the emails, letters, applications etc. He assigned his "best project manager" and said he'll personally oversee our project. He commited to reverting by 2 Aug, he didn't. Now 6 months in, a 3rd case was opened. I called council to check that all was in order to prevent further delays. AGAIN, incomplete application and same missing docs. More concerning, the application bears our signatures and we've never seen it. I called JJ. He said, "I know what kind of person you are, you just want to be right." and hangs up. I call him back, he says, "It's Friday, I'm not dealing with this now" and hangs up again. He sent me a message later, to remind me that work doesn't happen on a Friday. See pic. I never hear from him again. I meet with the PM at Council (JJ doesn’t pitch), he has no familiarity with our case and he’s never seen the plans. The PM sends me the XA calculations (a ratio of glass/fenestration to floor area). The floor area has been grossly exaggerated and the glass area grossly understated in order for the calcs to be compliant. I'm told (see pic): “We are going to build it as per contract Just the fenestration would be with he smaller windows to get the plans approved" (sic). The calculations are never redressed. Council responds to 3rd application (see pic), "LUM FORM COMPLETED INCORRECTLY... Please submit a revised LUM form indicating what you are applying for." (sic) Lofts uploads site plan. Please compare their plan to the SG diagram of the same plot - they have reduced the building to a rectangle and made up the measurements. We have tried to reach a compromise and to resolve matters amicably, but all efforts have been unsuccessful... Richard has been off globetrotting, no doubt on our dollar. We finally sent a lawyer's letter, which they have ignored. We are now going to court. Think twice before contracting with Lofts. Richard is very convincing, but unfortunately, once your hard-earned money is paid over, he could care less. Feel free to contact me for further info: courtneyruthellis (at) gmail (dot) com

  • en

    Callen Clokie


    Brilliant service!

  • en

    Richard Miller


    Best in loft convertions

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