KFC-East Rand Mall i Boksburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaKFC-East Rand Mall



🕗 åbningstider

Jansen Park, Boksburg, 1459, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 823 1062
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Latitude: -26.1814, Longitude: 28.2425

kommentar 5

  • Ronald Molaba

    Ronald Molaba


    I just bought the 5+5 for R65 and when I got home I only found the 5 pieces of chicken in the bag and no hot wings.

  • Senzekile Nkoatse

    Senzekile Nkoatse


    If you could close that kfc it will be better, they service is extremely poor, not sure if the kfc was yesterday's one or they used the same oil over and over again even if you call their supervisor is the same.....I no longer buy from there I rather drive to another kfc. Because it pointless to complain no one cares....rubbish KFC

  • Busani Ngwane

    Busani Ngwane


    The lady that was assisting us was very very rude. I dont like the manner in which she spoke. What she said was ja wena wat did you say you want,? Is that how staff should speak customers?

  • trevor stengile

    trevor stengile


    0/5. Worst drive through ever. Waited an hour and its not the first time

  • Courtenay Jemane

    Courtenay Jemane


    If i could give it a Zero star I would, worst drive thru ever, waited over 45 minutes in the queue and this at night, told they only two people on shift this is the third time it's happened. They should just close for the night the KFC close to CTM is much better.

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