Hirsch's Springfield i Durban

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaHirsch's Springfield



🕗 åbningstider

5, Royal Palm Avenue, 4001, Durban, Durban Metro, ZA Sudáfrica
kontakter telefon: +27 31 242 2600
internet side: www.hirschs.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -29.811551, Longitude: 30.993226

kommentar 5

  • en

    Simone Smith


    Everything you could possible need for a home.... Neat and clean...good prices with good staff

  • en

    Quinton Meijer


    Always a fantastic service. When it comes to calling for you broken appliances, they are very good at collecting & repairing or replacement.

  • en

    Meryl De Palo


    Very helpful staff, even though they did not have what I wanted, they still gave me information on the size of my hob, something that I did not know.

  • Sean Munoo

    Sean Munoo


    Hirsch has an excellent range of products. The knowledgeable and friendly staff made shopping there that much more pleasurable. Our salesman didn't just chase after a sale, he gave us good advice and was very patient and accommodating. We'll be going back soon (often) to use our loyalty card 😉 !!!

  • Mick Clarke

    Mick Clarke


    I had no intention of going to Hirsch however as I was passing I decided to call in and price a few Electrical items and ended up coming pout with a new Toaster, a few pans and an induction hob. The service was incredible the staff are very knowledgeable and helpful...What a shock! I dealt with Mervin he was very helpful. I would highly recommend Hirsch Springfield Park.

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