Highlander Restaurant i East London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaHighlander Restaurant



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21, Blue Bend Place, 5241, East London, Amatole, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 43 748 4821
internet side: www.bluelagoonhotel.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -32.9827, Longitude: 27.9516

kommentar 5

  • Simone Kotze

    Simone Kotze


    Fantastic view, best in East London! Waiter said I can only order Stawberry Daiquiri, as they didn't know how to make the others on the menu... Other than that disappointment, the restaurant has a nice vibe!

  • Chaz Pagel

    Chaz Pagel


    What an incredible view from the deck which is overlooking the nahoon river... unfortunately the food in the restaurant was not as incredible. There was 8 of us which all had the same meal, the steak was not cooked as we requested and the sinue was everywhere. Barely any meat on it. Pricing was good and a variety of cocktails and drinks are available.

  • Chrishenda R

    Chrishenda R


    Great service, Menu caters for all, which is always a bonus, so did not eat here but will try their menu when I return again and update my review to share! You do have the upper hand due to your location and views but this is what it is all about! But on the overall I can't complain. Well done!

  • urvesh rama

    urvesh rama


    Awesome view, great food and drink menu. Never a dull moment. Started watching so.e soccer matches at this venue since the food and drink are superb. Lovely sunsets can be witnessed here. Will Keep going back.

  • Bakang Dich

    Bakang Dich


    Great location. Great views. Great food presentation. -They had Castle Milk Stout! And for this, I love them. The bar is not so big but very popular so I thought it gets crowded. The staff is very friendly and polite, though communication sometimes doesn't go too well, but they are patient enough to get it right. The food was well done. Pork could do with some work. Loved the visit. Spent most of my time at the restaurant. Will probably do more bar another time

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