Harringtons Cocktail Lounge i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaHarringtons Cocktail Lounge



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61B, Harrington Street, 7925, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 461 2276
internet side: www.thefirmct.co.za
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Latitude: -33.9284462, Longitude: 18.4240784

kommentar 5

  • Nils Flaatten

    Nils Flaatten


    We did pre-dinner drinks and love the place. It is open and spacious and has fantastic wooden decorations. The staff are very cool but easy going. The bar has big shelves and is well lighten. The bar cocktails were special and I am going back there soon.

  • Victoria B.

    Victoria B.


    We came here for Jazz Night and we really enjoyed ourselves. The crowd was extremely live the night we were there and everyone began dancing towards the end of the 2nd set. Around 10 PM the band ended and then the DJ began playing and a different crowd began to move in which switched it to a more party feel. I wish there was a greater mix in the music that was played, but over all it was a good time. The tapas are really big in portion size for the pick 4 for R200. I was quite surprised.

  • Jade Abbott

    Jade Abbott


    I've been twice now and had good times. The kind of people that go this bar are chilled nice people. Although we do have to go look for our waitress more than we should.

  • Sara Sophie Hartinger

    Sara Sophie Hartinger


    Seducing, elegant decor. Cosy booths for a group of people. Perfectly sized dance floor, especially for when they play live Swing music.

  • random shona

    random shona


    I imagine this venue will grow rapidly & successfully like all their brands. It has lots of potential and i imagine lots of fun. We were early because we are cough older, drinks were very expensive and then we were offered a R1400 bottle of johnny walker at 7pm. 😀 watch this space though- great team building big things to come. Nice part of town.

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