Gooderson Tropicana Hotel i Durban

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaGooderson Tropicana Hotel


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85, O R Tambo Parade, 4001, Durban, Durban Metro, ZA Republika Południowej Afryki
kontakter telefon: +27 31 368 1511
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Latitude: -29.856787, Longitude: 31.0391282

kommentar 5

  • en

    Margaret Hanelt


    Lunch specials very good. Ample portions. Service good. Value for money.

  • Rene Conning

    Rene Conning


    Great location, especially since you can get your bus right there. Much better than the train station. Much safer too.

  • en

    Dalene Hansen


    Service is excellent.. staff is friendly.. but the hotel is old and out dated they need to revamp especially the mats, the mats really smell bad...and please get a better chef the food was horrible

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    Shash Singh


    It was my first time at Tropicana. The conferencing facilities were good. Well organised. The lunch was not too good but dessert was nice. The rooms were large and clean and nicely decorated.. the beds were very comfy i had a gr8 sleep. The bathrooms r old and need revamping..some taps etc do not work. the doors still use regular keys.Hotel was quiet when i visited from 19 to 20 April 2018. It was undergoing renovations.The breakfast was exceptional such a huge variety The overall staff service was excellent. The parking i felt was really creepy as it was in another building next to the hotel and we had to park and walk back. Parking was also r55 which was not a good price considering the location n safety issue for us as females.

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    Jack Motsoetla


    Every time o make a bookings I start with Tropicana. The one best hotel when coming yo service, attention, professionalism and quality. Love the atmosphere at reception before you even talk to anyone. Welcome is outstanding and care furing the whole stay. Never had any problem with rooms.

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