Game Carnival Mall Brakpan i Brakpan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaGame Carnival Mall Brakpan



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Cnr Airport & Heidelberg Rd, Shop 2, Carnival Mall, Dalpark, Brakpan, 1541, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 86 142 6017
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Latitude: -26.2527692, Longitude: 28.3193636

kommentar 5

  • Aobakwe Tsosane

    Aobakwe Tsosane


    The store is clean, even during busy days. Most of the staff available will be quick to assist you. It is like most of the other Game Franchises: it has a variety of products ranging from Home Appliance, Groceries to Sports Equipment.

  • Morag Geddes

    Morag Geddes


    Was assisted by Mashebu Moroane today. What a brilliant teller. She was friendly. polite and very helpful. She made my day. What a pleasure to meet someone like her.

  • Tefo Moseli

    Tefo Moseli


    Game Store at Carnival Mall is up there with any other good store and typically tries to make a shopping experience as one stop as possible. This store provides a wide range of merchandise at comparatively good prices. Anything from school stationary to groceries, cellphones, TV's, sports equipment, garden supplies to office furniture and appliances. An in-store finance is also available for those pricier items. The staff is always helpful and polite.

  • walter botha

    walter botha


    I had a very pleasant experience today at Game Carnival Mall. I returned a wall clock due to it being defective. Very good service by the lady at customer service, unfortunately didn't get her name. Also professional service by Victor at the clock department. Keep up the good work, it doesn't go unnoticed. Especially when the service is atrocious at most other shopping centers.

  • Denzel Paulson

    Denzel Paulson


    Really awesome experience, everything under one roof

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