Fried Contemporary i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaFried Contemporary



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1146, Justice Mahomed Street, 0181, Pretoria, Pretoria, ZA Sydafrika
kontakter telefon: +27 12 346 0158
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Latitude: -25.7699895, Longitude: 28.2493284

kommentar 5

  • Carl Leonard

    Carl Leonard


    Awesome art gallery!

  • Kendall Rae

    Kendall Rae


    Amazingly diverse gallery with an incredible team behind the scenes!

  • Michelle Marx

    Michelle Marx


    Crisp, cool and composed. The exhibitions here are world-class quality, the vibe is great, the people are warm. I had a great time at the Roger Ballen exhibition recently - will recommend this gallery to anyone feeling the need to dip their minds into some raw revolutionary culture.

  • Jayson Coomer

    Jayson Coomer


    I love visiting Pretoria to see new exhibitions at Fried Contemporary. Mika and Johan make it such a pleasure - and I am constantly impressed by the amount of "wall power" that Mika manages to assemble. Both the Diane Victor pieces that I bought here have made me the envy of my art-world friends. Totally worth your time.

  • en

    Roger Ballen


    It was a great experience working with the Fried Gallery on my Outland show during which time they exhibited a number of my previously unpublished photographs from this series. The staff of the Gallery organized a wonderful evening on my opening during which time I was interviewed in a very professional manner. This video is now available on you tube. All and all a great event and I am hopeful that those interested in art and photography in Pretoria will view it.

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