Fitzanne Estates i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaFitzanne Estates



🕗 åbningstider

863, Stanza Bopape Street, 0007, Pretoria, Pretoria, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 342 3710
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.7444719, Longitude: 28.223013

kommentar 5

  • Jaun Lloyd

    Jaun Lloyd


    Don't email them as I have yet to receive a response. Phone them!

  • Green Ndaba

    Green Ndaba


    You know you're bad at your job when portfolio managers tell you to forget about a complaint that is unresolved and outstanding for almost a year. No real service from them, all they focus on is getting your money!

  • Raymonde Thames

    Raymonde Thames


    Great experience with Fitzanne Estates.! They where very helpful in finding the right house for us and getting the deal closed. Very committed, flexible, and on top of things. Would definitely go back for selling/buying needs.

  • Property Managers9649

    Property Managers9649


    My wife and I were referred to Daphne and her team through a mutual friend, and I'm really grateful for the recommendation. We've bought homes before, and never experienced this level of service and expertise. What's been most impressive with their team is that they stuck with us long after the closing papers were signed.

  • en

    Simba RapidStudio Affiliate


    The team were great in helping us find a place. They knew the area and were very responsive. They also explained everything very well to us which was important since we were first-time home buyers. I'm very happy to recommend them to everyone...!

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