Era Night Club i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaEra Night Club


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71, Loop Street, 8000, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 422 0202
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Latitude: -33.92148, Longitude: 18.4193399

kommentar 5

  • Jason Banfield

    Jason Banfield


    World class sound and 5 star staff.

  • en



    So I finally made it to ERA, as they are closing down...But damn, this place is fantastic! The Funktion One sound system is the business and places the focus solely on the music. So you KNOW this place has it's priorities right! The decor is sleek, and futuristic. When I arrived, the dj was playing some progressive house, then effortlessly slid into some deep house, then more prog, but then went techy and some italian chords over deep house beats. And a sprinkle of tranciness to round it out! The staff are really friendly, which is a rare thing these days. I can't believe that such an music institution is closing it's doors. It's one of the best music destinations since Rush, Pure and Deluxe.

  • en

    Rohan Womarans


    Great house music club, probably the best in the city, certainly the best sound and they've gone all out with the decor. Dress to impress. Quite expensive.

  • barclay simpson

    barclay simpson


    ERA is Cape Town's techno Institution. I'm a regular. go every Saturday...and am guaranteed of banging, classy techno and the best sound system in the Southern Hemisphere. The staff are always helpful,and the music is next level. Cape Town would be dead without ERA!

  • Donovan du Plooy

    Donovan du Plooy


    Good service. Above average sound system. Good party all round.

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