DVD Nouveau i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaDVD Nouveau



🕗 åbningstider

Main Street, 7725, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA Sydafrika
kontakter telefon: +27 21 683 0203
internet side: dvdnouveau.wordpress.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -33.9765974, Longitude: 18.4587563

kommentar 5

  • Elena Fedele

    Elena Fedele


    Always a pleasure to visit this store. Wouldn't go anywhere else! Update: please be aware of bitchiness amongst the top staff. Not the counter workers. Very sweet. But one of my past pupils applied and his application was binned to allow some entitled kid from the area take a job due to my child being affiliated to me. M, you know you are. Shame on you. Glad I closed my account there. You do not deserve my business nor anyone elses.

  • Marius Peach

    Marius Peach


    The best collection in one place.

  • Richard Higgins

    Richard Higgins


    Good options, fast service, cheap prices

  • Justin Fletcher

    Justin Fletcher


    Best DVD store in the Western Cape. Amazing selection of quality titles!

  • Michael Davidson

    Michael Davidson


    In a digital age it’s sometimes nicer to simply pop in at the dvd nouveau store in Newlands village to pick up either an art house, a classic or a new Hollywood blockbuster. Staff are always willing to offer advice or suggestions and they’re gracious about my late returns!

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