Dr S Erasmus Ingelyf i Alexandra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaDr S Erasmus Ingelyf



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Hatfield, 2014, Alexandra, Pretoria, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 362 5773
internet side: www.hatfielddentist.co.za
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Latitude: -25.7502122, Longitude: 28.2363009

kommentar 5

  • Yves Joseph

    Yves Joseph


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    Aletta Scheepers


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    Mpotseng Molapo


    I was at Dr Ian Erasmus' office today to replace my old veneers. The staff is so friendly. The doctor who worked on my teeth is Dr Thalitha and her assistant is her mom!! Oh boy do they make a great team, and Dr Thalitha is a natural born artist. Not only was she gentle (couldnt feel a thing throughout the whole process), she also found the perfect colour that matches my natural teeth, and she polished the veneers in such a way that they look all natural!!! I've never been happier!!! Thanks for putting such a wonderful smile on my face!! GO TEAM MOMMY & DAUGHTER!!!!😚😙😁

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    Calym Witthuhn


    there are quite a few dentists in the practice. i went to tillita, she rebuilt my shattered front tooth in such a way that it was better than what the tooth was before and managed to match the colour of my tooth perfectly - you cannot, even under extreme scrutiny, tell that my tooth was ever repaired in the first place. Beyond her excellent craftsmanship (or tooth engineering) she was also exceptionally kind and caring; she made sure frequently that i wasn't in any form of pain - and even laughed at some of my jokes. will definitely be going back to her in future

  • Sharné Keizer

    Sharné Keizer


    The worst dentist I have been to in my life!! I have never been in so much pain after a dentist appointment. (went there 3 times for procedures and every single time I was in excruciating pain.) After weeks of no response after I complained I go back promised they will fix the problem no expenses paid, to be told the procedure will cost over R800.00 and that my teeth are in a very bad condition and I have a lot of work that needs to be done on them. I ask them to please send me a quote for the work that needs to be done. Waiting 2 months to receive feedback after constant nagging and calling. Finally receive a quote for over R3000. This after I was there 3 times to have my teeth fixed. NOT happy at all and will not go there ever again.

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