Dr Hilda Ganesen i Durban North

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaDr Hilda Ganesen



🕗 åbningstider

20, Gainsborough Drive, 4051, Durban North, Durban Metro, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 31 563 4249
internet side: www.drganesen.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -29.7952485, Longitude: 31.0302185

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jeremy Davies


    Most thorough and personalised visit I have had with a new doctor. Thank you

  • Leandra Pelser

    Leandra Pelser


    I honestly feel that Dr. Hilda is the best Dr. in South Africa. I have been to many Dr.s in my life, and with confidence I can say out of my life experience, you wont get any better that Dr. Hilda Ganesen.

  • en

    Terrence Moothusamy


    Excellent service and a real heart for the people . Amazing doctor. I will recommend her to everyone who is looking for a gp in durban north.

  • en



    Dr Ganesen is very approachable and easy to chat too and good with kids. She takes her time to listen to your health issues and does not rush you out the door for the next patient.

  • Sarah Ferguson

    Sarah Ferguson


    Excellent holistic care. You are not just a number through the door. Dr Ganesen is thorough and goes above and beyond to try and ensure you walk away and stay healthy

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