Dr Da Merrell i Sandton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaDr Da Merrell


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17, Roberts Avenue, 2146, Sandton, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 614 7017
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Latitude: -26.20027, Longitude: 28.07608

kommentar 5

  • Gita Dennen

    Gita Dennen


    I saw Dr Merrel in October concerned about a lump. He examined me, looked extremely concerned and did a pap smear. I went again to get the results and for another examination - pap test 'clear' and he said I had nothing to worry about. I was admitted to hospital the same day, and diagnosed with Stage 4B cervical cancer. With all his years of experience, i would have expected that with the amount of concern he showed on the first visit, he would have explored further. The gynae who saw me at the hospital informed me that Dr Merrell should have immediately referred me to an oncologist.

  • Nevashan Govender

    Nevashan Govender


    My wife had a difficult pregnancy due to an underlying condition. She was pushed from doctor to doctor. Drs Merrell and Koch cared for her so well and delivered our healthty baby boy under emergency conditions. They're experienced, compassionate professionals. We need more like them.

  • Queen Mazibuko

    Queen Mazibuko


    Best gynecologist him and his wife

  • tiffany meek

    tiffany meek


    Best there is

  • Lebohang Motloung

    Lebohang Motloung


    Caring and funny, knowledgeable. Great gynae

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