Cubana Durban i Berea

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCubana Durban



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128, Florida Road, 4001, Berea, Durban Metro, ZA Sydafrika
kontakter telefon: +27 31 303 4383
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Latitude: -29.8340794, Longitude: 31.0176738

kommentar 5

  • en

    Elisha Tladi


    The setting is very chilled and music is good also the food was good. Had a great time

  • en

    tasveer singh


    Affordable good food in a fancy setting ✌

  • Buhle Mbola

    Buhle Mbola


    My absolute fave. The music, the in-house DJ do a really stella job. The people, the staff and of course the food. But mainly, its the music and entire vibe. I never went to leave this place.

  • Marnie Dreyer

    Marnie Dreyer


    Went for drinks. Music was a bit off. An ok crowd but rather empty Monday’s to Wednesday’s Visited again recently. The music was excellent and the vibe was great. This was a Sunday at 11:00 in the evening and there wasn’t much else happening on Florida road. I definitely will give it 5 stars. I have come to realize that the consistent standards at Cubana has made it one of the best places to enjoy a good drink, food and music.

  • Lacastan Moodley

    Lacastan Moodley


    Great vibe and good food. Really expensive. And bad service when they are busy. We waited an hour to be seated. Not because they were that busy, but because they didn't want to take our name down on the waiting list

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