Coffee Buzz i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCoffee Buzz



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Hillcrest, Pretoria, 0083, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 362 5262
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Latitude: -25.754121, Longitude: 28.2317264

kommentar 5

  • Heidi Kloppers

    Heidi Kloppers


    Coffee Buzz is the place to be on campus best coffee ever. The atmosphere is cosy warm, friendly staff. And ooohhhh boy the food delicious. You must go and enjoy a meal at Coffee Buxz

  • Elizka Ivey

    Elizka Ivey


    Great selection, friendly staff and very spacious and good wifi reception

  • Ernest Yzel

    Ernest Yzel


    Family business, great success.

  • Will van Heerden

    Will van Heerden


    Coffee Buzz has been around forever, and it has great nostalgia value for me. The staff are friendly, and the place stays open later than most other camps restaurants and cafés, which is good for those with late classes. They stock some pretty okay food, even if some of it is a little overpriced. There's a good selection of cakes, for those with a sweet tooth. The coffee isn't the best, but it's cheap enough.

  • David Breetzke

    David Breetzke


    Good filter coffee for student-friendly prices.

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