Cherie Viljoen Podiatrist i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCherie Viljoen Podiatrist


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100, Algernon Road, 2193, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 728 7750
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Latitude: -26.15888, Longitude: 28.075859

kommentar 5

  • Sharon Barker

    Sharon Barker


    Great service and extremely helpful. Her rates are good and do not break the bank making it easy to claim from medical aid. Thanks Cherie

  • Paul Whitaker

    Paul Whitaker


    Cherie was very helpful professional and knowledgeable. The service was excellent and my problem was addressed very efficiently.

  • Wendy Thessler

    Wendy Thessler


    Excellent service got my orthotics in 3 days before my race, worked wonders for my pain, I would recommend this practice to anyone.

  • Safiyya Kajee

    Safiyya Kajee


    Horrible experience. Waited for my appointment and as other patient is walking out they demanded more time and Viljoen said yes she was free and allowed them back in to see the rest of the patients children. I asked the receptionist about what had just happened and she abruptly said "I just squeezed you in" I was disgusted and walked off.

  • Babalwa Dlanjwa

    Babalwa Dlanjwa


    Not a great experience. Made me othotics that never worked, as the pain did not go away. I would discourage anyone who is looking to come here. receptionist has a dismissive attitude. Doctor herself did even investigate the deeper issue, she just assumed that plantar ficitis solely without looking further what the problems are.

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