Checkers Bayside (Mossel Bay) i Mossel Bay

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCheckers Bayside (Mossel Bay)



🕗 åbningstider

Church Street, 6506, Mossel Bay, South Cape DC, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 44 601 9600
internet side:
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Latitude: -34.181035, Longitude: 22.143681

kommentar 5

  • Dirk Steyn

    Dirk Steyn


    Fruit and vegetables not so fresh, shelves not stocked so we could not finish our shopping

  • Johan Van Aardt

    Johan Van Aardt


    No price tags wuth the items. When there is a special the management will argue with you stating that that item is not on spesial. Managment sucks....

  • Anthony Pretorius

    Anthony Pretorius


    Terrible attitude of some of the tellers. Some don't even look up to greet a person and are too busy chatting to colleagues. The bread and cold meat section is also not of the best. Staff seem to think that customers have all just to buy bread rolls etc.I have phoned numerous times to speak to the manager but either the phone just rings or a message left is NEVER is never returned. Not a good reflection at all, unfortunately the service has been bad for a long time.

  • Dudley Finnemore

    Dudley Finnemore


    Managers don't seem to be committed to running the store. Items frequently "very difficult to obtain" here are overflowing the shelves at the Heiderand Checkers. The staff are super friendly which makes shopping here nice.

  • Riaan JvR

    Riaan JvR


    The amazing thing about this Checkers is that Bayside Pizzeria (the best pizza place around) is in the same centre.

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