Charly's Bakery i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCharly's Bakery



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38, Canterbury Street, 8001, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 461 5181
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Latitude: -33.928405, Longitude: 18.42478

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hazel Moyo


    Good service from Nancy quite an amazing lady she knows her product knowledge l loved it at Charlys

  • en

    Debbie Fradd


    Quick and helpful. Looks great and tastes amazing!! Will definitely go again.

  • Samiksha Singh

    Samiksha Singh


    On a visit from Durban, we decided to pay the famous bakery a visit. Had to weave through insane traffic to get there before closing time. I didnt find there to be as many variants as expected. Mostly cookies and cupcakes, I believe though it was due to my visiting it so late in the afternoon. They're priced a tad on the high side but I expect this is the norm for TV based famous bakeries. I had a slice of caramel cheesecake and hubby the blueberry one. It was theeee most divine cheesecake experience I have had yet. Enjoyed the taste, portion size was reasonable and it came in the cutest little pink striped box. Overall my visit was fair and enjoyed the visit.

  • Candice Cloete

    Candice Cloete


    Sugar heads heaven. Will definitely leave on a sugar rush. Pretty store, various eats on display to keep your mind off the ques when busy. Everything in there is worth the wait.

  • Kameko13



    I love Charly's cupcakes since the first time I tried them about 10 years ago. I don't live in SA anymore, but the lovely staff at Charly's helped me organize a shipment of these beautiful and delicious cupcakes to a friend who had just had a baby. It was so easy to do and they were so helpful and quick to respond. I'm confident that the taste is amazing and now I know their customer service is on par! Thank you, Charly's!!!

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