Central Fire Station & Sentrale Brandweerstasie i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCentral Fire Station & Sentrale Brandweerstasie


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Roeland Street, 8000, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA Sudáfrica
kontakter telefon: +27 21 444 8963
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Latitude: -33.933262, Longitude: 18.424912

kommentar 5

  • Lisa Key

    Lisa Key


    We visited with our daughter and one and half year old grandson. We were treated to a five star visit of the station and our grandson was able to sit in the fire engines. Thank you to the most wonderful firemen and women who had the grace and time to show us around. Thank you for being there for the Cape Town fires.

  • en

    Harr Fast


    I took my 4 yr old son to have a look around and he was treated to the most amazing welcome, including full kit demonstration and a ride in a fire engine with the sirens on. These guys are true heroes.

  • Jody-colin Moore

    Jody-colin Moore


    Went for a station visit and came across the most helpful and welcoming people iv met in Cape town.

  • V



    After possibly the worst experience of my life I had incredible assistance and wonderful help from the Cape Town cbd firestation. I would like to give a massive thank you to everyone that came out. You really made it easier to deal with. Thank you

  • Karel Scott

    Karel Scott


    Super fast response. This fire department takes things seriously and leaves nothing to chance. Called out a fire in De Waal drive and it was resolved within minutes.

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