Cape Town Lodge Hotel i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCape Town Lodge Hotel


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101, Buitengracht Street, 8001, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 422 0030
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Latitude: -33.9222819, Longitude: 18.4158226

kommentar 5

  • Cathy Dilworth

    Cathy Dilworth


    We stayed at this beautiful and well situated hotel two weeks ago. I was pleasantly surprised, given the poor reviews posted. I must say our experience at this hotel was the exact opposite. All the staff from the manager, front desk, housekeeping etc were friendly and helpful and went above and beyond to help with any of our needs/questions. Our room was spacious and clean, with a fridge and a beautiful view of Table Mountain. Internet was available in the room. We were a few blocks away from Long and Bree Street and walking distance to Green Market Square. If you like to walk you can walk to Table Mountain (or back to the hotel) in 30 minutes.

  • en

    Wayne Fortuin


    Nice and all but it's not paid parking. Parking cost is R70 a day absolutely shocking. The hotel does not cover it. You will have to pay for it when you book out.

  • Banu Bulose

    Banu Bulose


    A lovely experience at walking distance from the waterfront mall. I also had the backdrop of table mountain from my room. The rooms were spacious and well kept. Absolutely loved the bathroom as well.

  • amelia watindi

    amelia watindi


    Beautiful hotel with an artistic twist. Reception Staff were a bit cold. Close to V&A,table mountain,Bo-kaap and famous long street. Loads of things to do around the hotel. Good Value for money.

  • en

    Lionello Giovannetti


    Nice, clean and well located. Very friendly and helpful staff. Rooms not too big. De lux rooms very fine and equipped. Excellent ratio quality price

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