Benaters Attorney Notary Public Conveyancer Administrator of Deceased Estates i Johannesburg

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SydafrikaBenaters Attorney Notary Public Conveyancer Administrator of Deceased Estates



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21, Scott Street, 2090, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 72 059 7640
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Latitude: -26.13235, Longitude: 28.07128

kommentar 5

  • Shirley Hirschson

    Shirley Hirschson


    Roxanne Benater is highly professional in her approach and she is both experienced and knowledgeable. She is completely reliable, always responsive and went out of her way to help me numerous times. She provided me with excellent legal advice and service. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking legal representation.

  • Ivor Heyman

    Ivor Heyman


    Shaun Benater is an extremely helpful and knowledgeable legal professional. He assisted me with document review for my solicitor application since he is also a qualified English solicitor. The firm also has expertise in conveyancing and administration of deceased estates. Overall a pleasure to work with and highly recommended.

  • David Mwamba

    David Mwamba


    Great service! Needed assistance in having a document notarised and was swiftly helped. Not only that but I was properly versed on the relevant information that I needed to know in order to obtain my visa and I really appreciate the extra mile Shaun went as I didn't ask for it. Would most definitely work with again in the future!

  • Thembelihle Mabaso

    Thembelihle Mabaso


    So well organized and professional! First class service. This is how every business should operate.

  • Nelia Mavhengere

    Nelia Mavhengere


    The best experience ever. Shaun is a great man to deal with. We surely appreciate what he did for us. Will definitely recommend anyone in need of the services he offers. He assisted my niece Daphne with her Notarization Certificate which was needed asap at the Poland Embassy and he managed to deliver for us on time. Thank you Shaun, stay blessed.

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